Queen rearing and selection - Quiz

An advantage of raising your own queens is that:
Queen breeding’ involves keeping records, selecting for ‘good’ characteristics and propagating queens from that stock
When selecting breeding criteria for raising queens you should keep and compare records for:
The cell raiser colony is:
Drones are sexually mature at 20 days
A queen will mate with about 12- 14 drones
When using the Miller method to raise queens, for best results use:
With the Miller method, which of the following is correct?
Sealed queen cells are best inserted into nucs or mini mating hives at:
How many ripe queen cells are placed into the nuc or mini mating hive?
Mini mating nucs should be used:
To set up a mini nuc you add:
After setting up the mini nuc you then:
At the end of the season you can unite several apideas:
To produce the best queens, larvae of what age should be selected?
Selected larvae for grafting will come from:
When grafting larvae, which of the following is correct?
Breaking the cell walls down with a knife when grafting will allow:
When introducing a queen, the colony receiving the queen should be:
When introducing a queen, the queen should:
You can test whether your colony is queenless by:
A mated queen is usually accepted after a period of familiarisation and an introduction cage is used.
Queens are more readily accepted in a nucleus and the success rate increases if the nuc contains young bees
A queen received through the post should be:
When picking up queens you should:
Clipping a queen’s wing will prevent the colony from swarming